Wednesday, 26 September 2012

The 12 Universal Notes of Music

Music is a part of everyone's life and western music has gained popularity regarding the playing of guitar, keyboards etc. Today we are going to discuss the basic roots of western music, ie:- the universal notes used in western music.
 In our everyday life we often come across the terms, notes, scales, chords etc. So what are these, so before you come to know these terms you got to get the idea about the 12 universal notes of music. When we were very small, first, we learnt, A,B,C,D, etc letters. From letters, we came to form words and from words, we created sentences. Same for music also.....
There is also an ABCD part of music. the are known as the universal notes of Music.

The universal notes are:
C  C#  D  D#  E  F  F#  G  G#  A  Bb  B

These are the 12 universal notes used in music. Starting from C to B. The are the basic notes used to create and represent music. AFTER "B" AGAIN COMES C  C#  D  D#  AND GO ON...........
Now, lets get through these notes . "#" sign represents a sharp and "b" sign represents a flat. What are these sharps and flats. In music, the sharp note of a note is the next adjacent note , eg:- If C is the note so the next adjacent note will be C#. Similarly the flat note of a note is the adjacent previous note, eg:- If  D is the note the flat note of D will be C# (D-flat).
Follow these examples:
Sharp note of D# is E
Sharp note of G is G#
Flat note of C# is C
Flat note of A is G#.
So, you get an idea of the sharp and the flat notes.
Now, there are some rules and conventions regarding these 12 universal notes . They are :=
1) No sharp note for "E" and no sharp note for "B".This means that there is no note called E# or B#. If someone says What is the sharp note for E? The answer will be "F" but not E#, similarly for "B" it will be "C" but not "B#".
2) The sharp note of A is called "Bb"  but not  "A#" , though both means the same.


What is the sharp note of D#?  Its E.
What is the flat note of D#? Its D.
What is the sharp note of C#? Its D.

Similarly for others.........................

So hope you got an idea about the basic notes used in music. Stay tuned for more successive music theories, scales, chords etc and all....

Wish you all the best !
Be a great musician. 

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